What To Do When Your Instrument Cluster Bulbs Burn Out

Older instrument clusters have a common problem: burnt out bulbs. If you’re dealing with this issue, you may be wondering what to do. The solution is simple. Take apart the instrument cluster and then replace the bulbs.

The task is not always as simple as it sounds, though. Taking apart an instrument cluster - especially an older one - can be a complicated task.

Removing Your Instrument Cluster

removing cluster

To replace the bulbs, you need to remove the instrument cluster from the dash first. Removing the instrument cluster is the easiest part of the job. You can find an overview of the removal process here. To sum it up:

  1. Tilt down the steering wheel and the gear shifter (if there’s one on the steering column) as low as possible
  2. Remove the dashboard panel (in front of the instrument cluster)
  3. Pull the instrument cluster out far enough to gain access to the wiring harness
  4. Disconnect the wiring harness from the instrument cluster
  5. Remove the instrument cluster

Taking Apart Your Instrument Cluster

taking apart cluster

Now that you have the instrument cluster in your hands, it’s time to partially disassemble it. The ease of this job depends on how handy you are and how complicated the cluster design is. There are some small parts involved, such as small screws and bulbs. Most clusters were designed to be very quick to assemble, and some even snap together. But the snap together units can be difficult to disassemble.

There's no "one size fits all" approach to disassembling an instrument cluster. To find out how to disassemble your instrument cluster, look on line for a video, or check the service manual. What if you can't find instructions and if you're not sure how to disassemble it? It's best to leave it to the professionals.

Not Comfortable Doing It Yourself?

replacement cluster

Many people find partially disassembling an instrument cluster a pretty daunting task. If you’re not comfortable doing it yourself, we can take care of the job for you.

Do you need to have the bulbs replaced in your instrument cluster? Or do you have other problems with your gauges? We'll be happy to replace the bulbs and fix anything else if needed! We offer mail-in repairs. The way it works is you ship us your instrument cluster. Our team of skilled techs will start repairing it within 24 hours of receiving it. Once your instrument cluster is fixed, we'll mail it back to you. It's that easy!

If you prefer to replace your instrument cluster, we got you. We have a large inventory of replacement instrument clusters. Look up your model in our catalog to see if we have a replacement instrument cluster for your car!